Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Day 1

What is it about dieting and continuously thinking of food? I thought way more about food today than I have in several months. Thus, I am constantly wanting to eat something. I wonder if I really have been eating all the time without really thinking about it. Today I wrote everything down that I ate along with the corresponding calories. Amazingly 3 crackers, 1 0z of cheese (about 1/3 of what I would normally eat), and 1 large apple each have approximately 100 calories. No wonder fruit and vegis are the better choice. I also have been working on drinking the right amount of water (8/8oz glasses) in theory this should help fill me up but it also keeps me running to the bathroom. Hopefully my body will adjust in a few days.

I also managed to go on a 3 mile walk today. My dog was so excited. She also needs to be getting more exercise so this will be good for both of us. Now if I can get through the rest of the evening without snacking!!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Time to Begin

I had my last baby eight years ago. For the last six years, I have been planning on being fit and trim by the time I turned 40 -- if not earlier than that!!! Imagine how surprised and shocked I am to find that my 40th birthday is only 3 months away. As the months have drawn closer to my deadline, I have found myself both discouraged and angered at myself for my lack of motivation and self control. In fact, over the last month I have found myself thinking that because I have procrastinated for so long, why even begin? Then the thought occurred to me. What is so magical about my birthday -- it is only one day in what I hope to be a long life. To have a long life, though, I need to get healthy. I almost never exercise, I drink far too much soda and eat way too much food -- no wonder I am over weight and am suffering from high blood pressure.

Don't get me wrong. I am definitely doing this because I need to get healthy. However, my number one reason is that I would just love to look good (and feel good) in a nice pair of jeans. Plus, I would love to look good for my husband. Of course he always says I'm beautiful BUT I am sure he wouldn't mind a few smaller and a few less curves. How cool would it be to walk into a room and have my husband of 18 years do a double take?

I am also doing this for my children. They could use some improvement in their eating and exercise habits. I think it is also important for them to learn the importance of making, working, and keeping goals. As their mother I am an important example and teacher of these values.

So why this blog? I am hoping that by writing my thoughts, challenges, and successes down, I might be more accountable to my goal. My ultimate goal is to lose 30 lbs. I hope to lose 15 - 20 lbs by my birthday (July 8th). I am also hoping that my friends and family will follow along with encouragement and helpful suggestions. Please check in often. I hope to write a little each day.

Let the trim down begin ........